Earth is the place where humans and asuras lived for thousands of years. From the beginning, humans and asuras created chaos in the land and heavens and were behind many conflicts against the gods...
Category: Folklore
From the very beginning of human civilization on mother earth, evil forces have come to disrupt the cosmic order of the world in some frequent movements. Thus the gods like Buddha, Rama, and Krishna...
One morning at breakfast, I overheard some girls talking about "Pregnancy tourism." I was intrigued by the idea. So, I asked one of the girls what they were talking about. They told me something I...
Five Interesting Taj Mahal Facts That You Probably Don’t Know!
No matter where you are from, I can almost certainly say that you've heard of or seen pictures of the Taj Mahal. Still, I will introduce the amazing Taj to you again. The Taj Mahal mausoleum is a...
What if you were offered a boon to choose the time of your death? This essentially means that you're immortal! Because if you do not choose to die, death can't touch you! That's what the boon of...
Even if you're unfamiliar with Indian or Hindu mythology, I am almost certain you've seen at least a picture of Kali Ma (meaning Kali mother) or Goddess Kali! She is one of the most famous Indian...