No matter where you are from, I can almost certainly say that you’ve heard of or seen pictures of the Taj Mahal. Still, I will introduce the amazing Taj to you again.
The Taj Mahal mausoleum is a marvel of Mughal architecture. It is situated on the bank of the Yamuna river in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. Mughal emperor Shah Jahan wanted to build the Taj Mahal complex as the tomb of his favorite wife, Mumtaz mahal! It is one of the world’s seven wonders and a UNESCO world heritage site!

Although the construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1631, all work was completed in 1653. People have researched the Taj ever since. So, it would be natural to think that we know everything about the mausoleum.
However, to my surprise, I learned some interesting facts about the Taj that were relatively unknown when I visited Agra. You might find some of the Taj Mahal facts very mysterious or spooky, I should say! So, let me walk you through the “Sirhi Darwaza” of the Taj Mahal!
Empress Arjumand Banu Begum!
Most of you may wonder, “Who is Arjumand Banu suddenly?” But this Arjumand Bangui is Mumtaz Mahal, for whom the Taj Mahal was built! But you romantics might be slightly offended to know that she was not Emperor Shah Jahan’s only wife!
Emperor Shah Jahan, like his ancestors, maintained a large harem. But, out of all the queens, Mumtaz was the only one who won his complete affection!

Mumtaz was his third wife. They had 14 children over 19 years. She passed away while giving birth to another child. Shah Jahan was so upset at her death that he built a memorial to his wife called the Taj Mahal. It took roughly 22 years and $1 billion in today’s money to construct!
So, yes, you can say that Shah Jahan loved Arjumand Banu. However, you shouldn’t feel he gave his all to this love. Emperor Shah Jahan remarried, even when Mumtaz Mahal was alive! Such was the culture back then, but it is often said that Mumtaz Mahal was Shah Jahan’s final wife, which is a misconception!
The Hole in The Ceiling!
Although we assume the Taj Mahal is flawless, it actually isn’t. The mahal’s main hall has a small hole in the ceiling. One of the artisans purposefully left this hole to prevent Shah Jahan’s ambition of a flawless palace from coming true.
According to the stories, the artisan did this when he heard rumors about a plan to cut off the hands of all the artisans! However, no sources have confirmed that Shah Jahan cut off the artisan’s hands!
It is a popular myth about the Taj Mahal that the Emperor did this to prevent anyone from even trying to build another monument like the Taj. Although many people accept this narrative, no evidence has ever been uncovered to back it up. So it’s probably just a myth that became popular among the masses.
The Spooky Room!
The Taj Mahal is said to have many secret chambers. These chambers have been around since Shah Jahan’s period and haven’t changed much in the present structure.
Many people believe Emperor Shah Jahan built a temple inside the Taj Mahal. Because there is a red stone stairway beneath the white marble structure, and one of the 22 rooms towards the river is a chamber that researchers have classified as the temple’s entry hall.

Shah Jahan used stone to close the entrance of this chamber. No other Mughal palaces have been discovered with such ingenious sealing techniques.
However, the public has dozens of questions related to this as well. Most people especially have very little faith in the Archaeological department. So, the mainly asked question is, did Shah Jahan seal this room, or was it a conspiracy of the archaeological Department of India?
I can’t answer this question as the room is not open to the public visiting! However, this does raise some concerns because the Taj Mahal was essentially an Islamic tomb!
Islamic Calligraphy Inscriptions vs. Vedic Paintings!
There is an astonishing calligraphy arrangement of 99 names of Allah Ta’ala on the inside of the Taj Mahal. Visitors to the Taj Mahal are always amazed by its calligraphy. This is typical for any Mughal-era monument or tomb.
However, the mystery is whether the Taj Mahal is a tomb, a love symbol, or a treasure of undiscovered mystery. Vedic artwork has been discovered in 22 chambers of the Taj Mahal.
Shah Jahan did not believe it was essential to plaster over these murals. He simply locked the doors! So, why did these 22 rooms need to be built? Was it essential to keep them hidden from the public?
We now need to think outside of the 22 chambers. The secret stairway that runs beneath the red stone beneath the white stone is roughly 12 feet in width and 300 feet long. The strong pillars that surround it are fashioned using Vedic patterns! This corridor is completely dark because Shah Jahan closed even the ventilators around it, preventing any light from entering.
So, who was the Taj Mahal built for? If the Taj Mahal demonstrates Shah Jahan’s love for Mumtaz Begum, why would he need these Vedic artworks in her tomb?
All these unanswered questions have kept mystery hunters busy for a long time! Also, other facts about the Taj Mahal have made some people question whether it was built in the Mughal era!
Some people have recently claimed that the Taj Mahal was a Shiv temple and that the Mughals only reconstructed the temple! Although no proof of this claim can be found.
The Color-Changing Taj Mahal
There is no denying that the Taj Mahal is a marvel. According to popular belief, the coloration of the mahal transforms depending on the time of day and the weather condition. The Taj Mahal is thought to be a depiction of a lady who can entirely transform her appearance by changing her emotional state.

With the morning light, the Taj Mahal shines in a slight pink. But, I t appears milky white in the evenings. With a pale blue tone, the starry night becomes enchanting. These alterations give the Taj Mahal distinct architectural characteristics!
I have marveled at these color changes because I did not know that lighting could drastically reshape the Taj Mahal’s color! The white marble and the semi-precious stones give the color, but the lighting gives it the dynamics that make the monument such a beautiful place!
For nearly 400 years, the Taj Mahal has stood as a singular icon of love on the planet. Its beauty continues to captivate admirers all around the globe. However, artificial famines were created to feed the workers building the Taj!
Also, the common people had to pay massive taxes to support building the monument. This resulted in the Mughal treasury being almost empty by the end of Shah Jahan’s reign. If the ordinary man has to sacrifice so much for the fondness of a ruler, it is natural to doubt the purpose of constructing that structure!
This demonstrates how vulnerable people are to an emperor’s enjoyment. Although if you want to visit the Taj Mahal, there are many other monuments nearby like the Sikandra, Agra fort, etc. So, I highly recommend visiting India, especially Uttar Pradesh, for these reasons.