The Headless Horseman is a figure from legend and folklore who is often depicted as a decapitated horseman. These stories date back to the middle ages. Stories of the Headless Horseman appear in various cultures around the world, including North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. While the details of the stories vary, they typically involve a ghost or other supernatural entity who rides a headless horse and carries his or her own head under one arm.
The Headless Horseman is a popular character with many stories and folklore surrounding him. The Headless Horseman has many possible origins including Irish, Scottish, 2 German examples documented by the Brothers Grimm, Scandinavian, and Middle English folklore. He is a popular character in modern-day Halloween movies and paranormal-influenced TV shows. Over the years and the continents, there have been many headless horsemen. Let’s explore a few together.
The Headless Horseman in American Folklore

“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is the most popular version of the story of The Headless Horseman. It’s a short story about a man named Ichabod Crane who is a school teacher who goes to live in the town of Sleepy Hollow. He is obsessed with ghost stories, including the legend of the Headless Horseman, a ghost of a Hessian soldier, likely a Hessian artillery man, from the American Revolutions who rides around on horseback with a missing head.
One night, Mr. Crane has a run-in with the Headless Horseman and is chased down the road where Ichabod races to get across the bridge to the Dutch Churchyard. He believes if he can make it to the old dutch church he will be safe from the Horseman.
Just as Ichabod crosses the bridge to the old dutch church the headless Hessian soldier stops and throws a pumpkin which was in the place of his own head. The jack-o-lantern hits Mr. Crane and knocks him to the ground causing him to disappear. The next day his hat is found near a smashed pumpkin, but he is never seen again.
American Author Washington Irving
Washington Irving is the author who wrote the short story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” in which the Headless Horseman appears. He was born in 1783 in New York City and was a writer, essayist, and historian. He is best known for his short stories, which were often based on folklore and legends from his native New York.
Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow is a town in the Hudson Valley region of New York. It is best known for being the setting of Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” The story is about a man named Ichabod Crane who moves to Sleepy Hollow and becomes obsessed with the legend of the Headless Horseman. One night, Ichabod has a run-in with the Headless Horseman and is chased into the woods. He is never seen again.
The town of Sleepy Hollow is home to a number of tourist attractions related to the story, including a haunted house, a museum dedicated to Washington Irving, and a cemetery where Ichabod Crane is buried.
The Battle of White Plains
The hill was the site of a battle during the American Revolution, and it is now home to a memorial honoring those who fought in the battle.
The Battle of White Plains took place on October 28, 1776. It was fought between American forces and British forces as part of the New York campaign. The Americans were led by General George Washington with General William Heath serving under him, while the British were led by General William Howe.
The battle ended in a draw, with both sides suffering heavy losses. However, it was considered a victory for the Americans because they managed to hold off the British forces and prevented them from taking control of New York City.
Common Questions
Who created The Headless Horseman?
The most well-known depiction of The Headless Horseman is a character from Washington Irving’s tale, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” The story is about a man named Ichabod Crane who is chased by a headless horseman.
Who is the Headless Horseman Believed to Be?
The identity of the headless horseman chasing Ichabod Crane is most likely a reference to a Hessian soldier who fought for the British during the American Revolutionary War and died in The Battle of White Plains on October 28, 1776.
Who was the inspiration for Ichabod Crane?
The school teacher character of Ichabod Crane is said to have been inspired by a friend of Irving’s called Jesse Merwin. Merwin was originally from Connecticut but had settled in Kinderhook, NY where he taught school and met Irving.
As for the name, there was a Major by the name of Ichabod Crane stationed at Fort Pike in 1814 who Washington Irving met.
Where is the grave of The Headless Horseman?
Some say his grave can be found in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Sleepy Hollow, New York. Others believe he was taken back to Hell by the Devil himself. But no one knows for sure.
The Headless Horseman in Irish Legend

The dullahan was a headless creature from Irish legend. In Celtic mythology, he is believed to be the Celtic god of fertility, Crom Dubh. He was worshiped through decapitation to provide a blood sacrifice.
The Dullahan is also responsible, in Irish mythology, to bring those who are close to death to the afterlife either by riding on a headless black horse, being a headless rider, or in a black coach.
With Irving coming from Scottish roots it’s likely that this bit of Celtic mythology passed to him through his father and inspired Irving in the creation of his own dark rider.
The Headless Horseman in Scottish Folklore

The headless horseman in Scottish folklore is known as Ewen decapitated in a clan battle at Glen Cainnir on the Isle of Mull.
According to legend, Ewen was decapitated by a rival clan during a battle at Glen Cainnir. His head was thrown into the river and his body was left to die. Ewen’s spirit rose from his body and began to haunt the area. He rode on horseback through the glen, looking for his head. If he found his head, he would reattach it and return to life. If he couldn’t find his head, he would die again.
The Headless Horseman in Middle English Poetry
A headless horseman is also mentioned in an English poem from the Middle Ages “Gawain and the Green Knight”.
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is a Middle English poem written by an unknown author. The poem tells the story of Sir Gawain, a knight in King Arthur’s court. Gawain beheads the Green Knight in the story “Gawain and the Green Knight” during a New Year’s feast. The Green Knight challenges anyone in the room to strike him with his axe which results in Gawain cutting off the Green Knight’s head.
The Headless Horseman from The Brothers Grimm

The Wild Huntsman is a German legend about a ghostly hunter who rides through the forest at night. The huntsman loved to hunt so much that when he died he asked God to allow him to remain on the hunt until Judgement Day.
There are other similar stories of Wild Huntsmen with only the location changing through Central Europe and Scandinavia.
There is also another similar German poem with a headless horseman called Hans Jagenteufel. The opening line of the story is “It is commonly believed that if any person is guilty of a crime for which he deserves to lose his head, he will if he escape punishment during his lifetime, be condemned after his death to wander about with his head under his arm.”
So there you have it, maybe that’s why there are so many headless horsemen stories across time.
The Headless Horseman in Pop Culture
The Headless Horseman is also a popular character with modern-day reimagining in many modern Halloween movies and paranormal-influenced TV shows. He has been featured in “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” “Sleepy Hollow,” and “Supernatural.”
The Headless Horseman Origin
There are many possible origins of the headless horseman, including Irish, Scottish, German, Scandinavian, and Middle English folklore. He has also been featured in modern-day Halloween movies and paranormal-influenced TV shows. No matter where the headless horseman came from, Washington Irving’s “Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” The Wild Huntsman, or Dullahan, he is a mythical figure sure to give you a fright! So beware, on a dark night, you might just see the headless horseman riding through your town.
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